Untamed at Home
Blogs & Articles

Do Rats Make Good Pets?
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Do Rats Make Good Pets?

Contrary to popular belief, domesticated rats are intelligent, clean, and affectionate creatures that can bring joy and companionship to their owners. In this article, we'll dive into the world of pet rats, exploring their nature, benefits, challenges, and how to choose the perfect rat for your home.

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Caring for Elderly Cats
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Caring for Elderly Cats

In this article, we'll guide you through the various aspects of caring for elderly cats, from recognizing the signs of aging to addressing health concerns, nutrition, exercise, grooming, and emotional well-being. So grab a cozy blanket, settle in with your senior kitty, and let's explore how to give them the love and support they need in their twilight years.

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The Best Enrichment Activities for your Dutch Rabbit
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

The Best Enrichment Activities for your Dutch Rabbit

Enrichment activities are essential for your rabbit's well-being, as they help prevent boredom, encourage natural behaviors, and promote overall health. Plus, they're a great way for you and your furry friend to bond and have fun together. So, without further ado, let's hop right into the best enrichment activities for your beloved Dutch rabbit!

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Brandt’s Hedgehog: Info & Care Guide
Paeton Bickett Paeton Bickett

Brandt’s Hedgehog: Info & Care Guide

Perhaps you’ve been searching for a new family pet that is a little more unusual or exotic. You may love how small and cute some cats and dogs are, but could also be a little unsure about some of their other characteristics. Hedgehogs are a low-maintenance pet that can still be entertaining to raise without the louder and messier tendencies of traditional pets. One of our favorite types of hedgehogs is the Brandt’s hedgehog.

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