The Best Ways To Bond With Your Bearded Dragon Quickly 

If you have just gotten a bearded dragon as a pet, you probably want to bond with them quickly. While bearded dragons as pets are not cuddly or affection-seeking like dogs, and bonding can be more challenging, it’s totally worth it when you do. So how do you bond with your bearded dragon, and how long will it take?  The truth is, bonding with your beardie takes time and can be challenging if you don’t know how. In this article, we’ll show you have to bond with your bearded dragon quickly. 

Regular Handling 

Regular handling is one of the most important ways to bond with your bearded dragon quickly. By handling your pet dragon regularly, you will be able to build trust and develop a rapport with them. Regular handling also helps your beardie get used to your scent and feel more comfortable around you.

When handling your bearded dragon, it's important to be gentle and calm. Slow and gentle movements will help your beardie feel more relaxed and less stressed. Always support their body and avoid gripping them tightly. Bearded dragons have delicate bones and limbs, so it's essential to handle them with care.

Start by handling your bearded dragon for short periods each day, gradually increasing the time as they become more comfortable. It's essential to create a positive experience for your pet dragon. So make sure they feel safe, calm, and secure while in your presence.

When handling your bearded dragon, it's crucial to pay attention to their body language. Signs of stress include hissing, puffing up, and trying to escape. If your beardie shows any signs of discomfort, it's best to stop handling them and give them some space.

Regular Bathing 

Regular bathing is another essential aspect of bonding with your bearded dragon. Bathing not only helps keep your pet clean but also provides an opportunity for interaction and bonding.

Bearded dragons are desert-dwelling reptiles and require regular access to water to maintain their health and hydration. Typically, a shallow dish of water is not enough to provide adequate hydration to your pet. Instead, soaking your bearded dragon in warm, shallow water for about 15 minutes once or twice a week is recommended.

When giving your bearded dragon a bath, be sure to use warm water, but not too hot as they are sensitive to heat. A good rule of thumb is to use water that is around 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid using harsh soaps or shampoos as they can be harmful to your pet's skin and eyes. Instead, use plain water or a reptile-specific solution that is specially formulated for bearded dragons.

While bathing, it's essential to be present and interact with your pet dragon. Talk to them in a gentle voice, offer them small treats or even some greens to eat. This not only helps them associate positive experiences with you but also creates a routine that they can look forward to.

Spending Time Near Them 

Aside from regular handling and bathing, spending time near your bearded dragon is also crucial for bonding. Bearded dragons are social creatures and enjoy the company of their owners, even if they aren't necessarily cuddly.

One way to spend time near your bearded dragon is to simply sit or stand near their enclosure and talk to them in a calm and soothing voice. This will help your beardie get used to your presence and voice, which can go a long way in building trust.

Finally, spending time near your bearded dragon can also include simply observing them. Watching your dragon bask in the sun or explore their enclosure can be a peaceful and calming experience for both you and your pet. This can also help you better understand your dragon's behavior and habits, which can lead to stronger bonding in the long run.

Feeding Your Bearded Dragon By Hand 

Feeding your bearded dragon by hand is an excellent way to bond with your pet and establish a deeper connection with them. By offering food directly to your bearded dragon, you can reinforce positive behavior and provide them with valuable nutrition.

When feeding your bearded dragon by hand, it's important to offer them the right amount of food. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and health problems, while underfeeding can result in malnutrition and slow growth. When they’re young (and growing fast), a good rule of thumb is to feed your dragon as many insects as they can consume in about 10-15 minutes, three times a day. For vegetables, offer them a mix of greens such as kale, collard greens, bok choy, and squash. As they get older, dropping down to 4-5 insects a day (depending on the insect and its size) along with a generous helping of vegetables is ideal to keep them happy and healthy.

In addition to providing proper nutrition, feeding your bearded dragon by hand can also be a source of enrichment and entertainment. Hand-feeding allows you to observe your pet up close and interact with them in a positive way. It also helps your bearded dragon associate you with positive experiences and reinforces trust.

When offering food to your bearded dragon by hand, it's important to use proper hygiene. Always wash your hands before and after handling your pet, and avoid touching any surfaces or objects that may be contaminated with bacteria or other harmful substances.

Offering Rewards 

Offering rewards is another effective way to strengthen the bond between you and your bearded dragon. Rewards can come in many forms, from tasty treats to new toys or a change in scenery.

When choosing rewards for your bearded dragon, it's essential to consider their dietary needs and preferences. For example, offering a piece of fruit as a reward may seem like a good idea, but many fruits are high in sugar and can upset your pet's digestive system. Instead, opt for small pieces of lean protein, such as boiled chicken or mealworms, or a variety of vegetables that your bearded dragon enjoys.

Rewarding your bearded dragon can also involve changing up their environment or providing new toys to explore. Adding new branches or rocks to their enclosure or introducing a puzzle feeder can provide mental stimulation and keep your pet dragon engaged.

Remember, bearded dragons are intelligent creatures and respond well to positive reinforcement. Rewarding them for good behavior, such as using their designated bathroom area or returning to their enclosure on command, can reinforce positive habits and deepen your bond.

When offering rewards to your bearded dragon, it's important to avoid overindulging them or making changes too quickly. Gradually introduce new foods or toys to prevent overwhelming your pet and causing stress. It's also important to pay attention to your bearded dragon's body language and behavior, as they may express discomfort or disinterest in certain rewards.

Take Them Swimming 

Taking your bearded dragon for a swim is not only a fun and unique activity but can also further strengthen the bond between you and your pet. While not all bearded dragons enjoy water, providing the opportunity for them to swim can offer numerous benefits, including exercise, hydration, and mental stimulation.

When introducing your bearded dragon to swimming, it's important to start slow and monitor their behavior closely. Begin by placing them in shallow water, such as a shallow basin or a bathtub with a small amount of tepid water. Gradually increase the depth as your pet becomes more comfortable in the water.

When choosing a swim location, it's important to avoid chlorinated or chemically-treated water, as these can be harmful to your pet. Instead, consider natural aquatic settings, such as a shallow pond or lake. Always supervise your bearded dragon while they are swimming and never leave them unattended.

Providing toys and playthings in the water can also enhance the swimming experience for your bearded dragon, offering mental stimulation and further strengthening the bond between you and your pet. It's important to avoid overcrowding the swimming area with toys, however, as bearded dragons can easily become overwhelmed.

Take Them For a Walk 

Taking your bearded dragon for a walk is another great way to bond with your pet and provide them with physical exercise and mental stimulation. Walking your bearded dragon is not only beneficial for their health, but it also allows you to explore the outdoors together.

Before taking your bearded dragon for a walk, it's important to ensure that the temperature and weather conditions are suitable for your pet. Bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles and require warm temperatures to regulate their body temperature and maintain their health. Avoid walking your bearded dragon in extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, as this can cause heat stress and potentially lead to heat stroke.

When walking your bearded dragon, it's important to use a secure harness that fits properly and allows your pet to move comfortably. Bearded dragons have delicate skin and can easily become injured by a poorly fitting harness. Harnesses specifically designed for bearded dragons are available online or at your local pet store.

When choosing a walking location, it's important to avoid areas with heavy foot traffic, as this can potentially stress out your pet. Instead, opt for quiet and peaceful areas, such as a park or nature trail.

During your walk, it's important to keep a close eye on your bearded dragon and ensure that they do not ingest any potentially harmful plants or insects. Bearded dragons have a natural instinct to sample and taste things they encounter, which can put them at risk for ingesting toxic substances.

Play With Them 

Playing with your bearded dragon is an essential part of bonding and keeping them active both physically and mentally. Interactive play with toys and games is an excellent way to provide mental stimulation, while physical play can help them maintain a healthy weight and encourage movement.

Bearded dragons can be playful animals, particularly when they are younger. Providing them with stimulating toys helps them to explore their environment, build confidence, and enhance their natural instincts, such as hunting and foraging. Toys such as tunnels, balls, ropes, and mirrors can encourage physical activity, while puzzles and interactive feeders can help them to problem-solve and keep their minds engaged.

It's crucial to supervise your bearded dragon during playtime to ensure they remain safe. Take the time to observe your pet's behavior and look out for any sign of discomfort or distress. Also, avoid toys that are too small and could be mistaken for food, as these can cause choking or other health issues.

Aside from toys, physical play such as gently holding and petting your bearded dragon regularly can help to build trust and strengthen your relationship. It is important to handle your pet gently and with care, taking into account their distinctive body shape. Bearded dragons use their tails to balance, which can be easily damaged if squeezed or held too tightly.

How Long Will It Take To Bond With My Bearded Dragon?

Bonding with your bearded dragon is a gradual process that requires patience, dedication, and consistency. Although some bearded dragons may show affection sooner, it can take several months to establish trust and create a strong bond.

The age, personality, and history of your bearded dragon can also impact the bonding process. For instance, younger bearded dragons are typically more receptive to bonding and training, while older bearded dragons may require more time and effort to build a relationship.

When bonding with your bearded dragon, it's important to establish a routine and spend regular quality time together. Consistent, positive interactions through play, training, and handling can help your bearded dragon develop trust and confidence in you as their caregiver.

Some bearded dragons may require more socialization than others, especially if they have not been socialized before. Socialization involves introducing your bearded dragon to a variety of people, animals, and environments to help them feel comfortable and confident in different situations.

One of the most important factors in bonding with your bearded dragon is understanding their body language. Bearded dragons communicate using a variety of visual and physical cues, such as head bobbing, tail flicking, and changing colors. Learning to interpret these cues can help you respond appropriately and build trust with your pet.

Final Thoughts 

Overall, bearded dragons are fascinating and intelligent creatures that make excellent pets. Bonding with your bearded dragon is a gradual process that requires patience, dedication, and consistency. By providing a loving and stimulating environment with consistent care and attention, you can help your pet feel happy, healthy, and well-cared for, as well as build a strong relationship with them that will last a lifetime.


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