Turtle Peeling & Shedding: Is It Normal?

Being able to recognize a shedding turtle shell and determine if everything looks healthy is incredibly important if you have these reptiles as a pet. And unfortunately, many owners aren’t sure what to do when they see a peeling shell!

This guide will break down everything you need to know about shedding turtle shells, and what to do if the process doesn’t go smoothly.

Do Turtles Shed Their Shell?

Yes, turtles do shed their shells! This process is known as ecdysis. The majority of a turtle’s shell isn’t actually part of its body, but is instead made up of keratin plates (like our fingernails) that are attached to the underlying bone structure.

As the turtle grows, it needs to shed the old keratin plates to make room for its new larger size. This can happen several times a year, with the most common occurrence being in the summer months.

Signs Of Healthy Turtle Shell Peeling

The first indication that your turtle is about to shed is usually their behavior. They may start acting more lethargic, and won't want to move around as much. Some turtles may also start eating less or not at all during this time.

You may also notice that their shell starts to look dull and faded in certain areas, which is a sign that the old keratin plates are beginning to loosen up. Once the shedding process is complete, those dull patches will be replaced with a shiny new shell!

The shedding process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, so it’s important to be patient and observe your turtle carefully during this time. If the old plates don’t come off on their own, you may need to help them by gently rubbing those areas with a wet cloth or paper towel.

Potential Complications With Shedding

Shedding is a normal and healthy process for turtles, but there are certain complications that can arise if the shedding doesn’t go smoothly. A common problem is when the old keratin plates become stuck to the underlying bone structure. This can be due to infection, poor nutrition, or even an injury.

Signs & Causes Of Unhealthy Shell Peeling

In some cases, the shedding process can be a sign that your turtle is unwell. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible:

  • Thickened keratin plates, or extra layers of shell

  • Discoloration in certain areas

  • Abnormal bumps or ridges

  • Holes in the shell

  • Pus or other discharge coming from the shell

These symptoms can be caused by various health issues, such as infections, parasites, vitamin deficiencies and more. It’s important to have your turtle checked out if you notice any of these signs.

How To Treat Unhealthy Shedding

If your vet diagnoses any underlying health issues, they will likely prescribe medication or other treatments to help your turtle get back on track. It’s important to follow their advice and administer the treatments as instructed.

In some cases, you may also need to change up their diet and provide them with extra calcium supplements to ensure that their shell grows healthy and strong. Your vet can advise you on the best foods for your turtle’s unique needs.

What’s The Difference Between Shell Peeling & Shell Rot?

Shell Rot is a type of infection that can occur in turtles and other reptiles. Unlike normal shedding, Shell Rot will cause the keratin plates to become soft and discolored. It can also result in a nasty odor, as well as pus or bloody discharge coming from the shell.

Unlike healthy shedding, Shell Rot requires medical treatment right away. If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to take your turtle to the vet as soon as possible.

The Bottom Line

Knowing how to recognize a shedding turtle shell and identify any potential issues is essential for anyone who owns these amazing reptiles as pets. The shedding process can be stressful for them, so it’s important to stay vigilant and keep an eye out for any signs of trouble. If you suspect that something is wrong, don’t hesitate to take them to the vet for a checkup. With proper care and nutrition, your turtle will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life!


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