Misting Your Crested Gecko: A Guide to Ensuring High Humidity Levels for Healthy and Happy Reptiles

Crested geckos are relatively easy to care for, but when it comes to maintaining the humidity in their enclosure, things can get tricky. This is where misting comes into the picture. Crested geckos require misting to maintain the high levels of humidity needed for their survival and to have access to drinking water. Misting up to twice a day is needed in most cases whilst keeping the tank well-ventilated.

In this article, we'll go over everything related to misting crested geckos – the best ways to mist, the frequency, some pro tips, and more. Read on! 

Why Crested Geckos Need Misting 

Crested geckos are tropical animals native to New Caledonia, and they require high humidity levels in their enclosure in order to remain healthy and thrive. They cannot produce their own body moisture like some other reptiles, so it is essential that a regular misting routine is established for them. Humidity between 70-80% is ideal for crested geckos, so misting with a spray bottle is the best way to achieve this.

How Often Should You Mist Your Crested Gecko? 

The frequency of misting Crested geckos will depend on a few factors including: the size and type of enclosure, climate, humidity levels, and if they have access to a water dish. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you mist your Crested gecko at least twice a day, with each session lasting for about 2 minutes.

How to Properly Mist Crested Geckos 

Misting crested geckos is a relatively simple process, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. Before starting, make sure that you have the right equipment – an atomizer or spray bottle and distilled water. Tap water may contain minerals and chemicals which could be harmful to your gecko, so always use distilled water.

When misting your crested gecko, make sure to do it gently and avoid using too much pressure with the spray bottle as this can cause stress or injury. You should also take care not to over-mist – too much water in the enclosure can cause problems with humidity levels and could lead to fungal infections and other health issues.

Using a Spray Bottle 

When it comes to misting crested geckos, a spray bottle is the most common and safest way to do so. It allows for a gentle misting that won't disturb or injure your gecko and provides an even coverage of water throughout the enclosure. Just keep in mind to ONLY fill it with distilled water.

Place an Automatic Mister 

An automatic mister can be a great addition to a crested gecko enclosure for those who don't have the time or energy to manually mist them multiple times per day. Automatic misters work by releasing a fine mist at regular, pre-set intervals thus providing constantly high humidity levels that your gecko needs. They often come with adjustable settings, allowing you to customize the misting intervals and intensity to fit your needs.

Add Foggers or Misters to the Enclosure 

Foggers and misters are great additions to a crested gecko enclosure as they provide a more consistent source of humidity than manual misting. Foggers and misters work by releasing a fine mist at regular intervals, which helps maintain high levels of humidity in the enclosure and ensures that your gecko has access to water for drinking.

Monitor Humidity Levels Regularly

Maintaining the right levels of humidity in a crested gecko's enclosure is essential for their health and well-being. Monitoring humidity regularly is one way to ensure that your gecko is receiving the optimal amount of moisture they need It is recommended to use a digital hygrometer to measure the levels, which should be between 70-80% as listed above.

Pro Tips for Misting Crested Geckos 

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when misting your crested gecko:

• Make sure the room temperature is between 72-80°F. This will help keep the humidity levels at an optimal level.

• Use distilled water to avoid adding any unwanted chemicals or minerals to the enclosure.

• Misting should be done at least twice a day, with each session lasting for about 2 minutes.

• Make sure not to over-mist as this can cause problems with humidity levels and could lead to health issues.

• Use an atomizer or spray bottle with a nozzle that has fine droplets rather than one with large droplets.

• Avoid misting the gecko directly as this can stress them out.

• Make sure to ventilate the enclosure properly after misting – open any vents or windows, turn on fans, etc. This will help keep the humidity levels at a steady level and reduce excess moisture in the tank.

Final Thoughts

Overall, misting is an essential part of caring for crested geckos and should be done with care and precision. Make sure to use distilled water, avoid over-misting, and adjust the frequency as necessary based on the size of the enclosure, climate, humidity levels, and if they have access to a water dish. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your gecko has access to a healthy environment and all the moisture they need to stay happy and healthy for years to come. Happy misting!


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