Untamed at Home
Blogs & Articles

Setting Up a Bioactive Enclosure for Your Crested Gecko
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Setting Up a Bioactive Enclosure for Your Crested Gecko

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of setting up a bioactive enclosure for your crested gecko, from choosing the right materials to selecting suitable plants and microfauna. By the end, you'll have all the information you need to give your scaly friend a happy, healthy home that will make them feel like they're living the dream in their very own tropical paradise.

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Does My Bearded Dragon Enjoy Being Around Me?
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Does My Bearded Dragon Enjoy Being Around Me?

Bearded dragons have quickly become one of the most popular reptile pets, and it's no surprise why – they're known for their curious and friendly nature. As a bearded dragon owner, you might find yourself wondering if your scaly friend actually enjoys spending time with you. Understanding their behavior and preferences is essential to building a strong bond and ensuring their happiness.

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Everything You Need to Know about Kenyon Sand Boas
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Everything You Need to Know about Kenyon Sand Boas

Welcome to the fascinating world of Kenyan Sand Boas! These captivating reptiles are not only charming to look at, but they also make wonderful pets for both beginner and experienced snake enthusiasts. With their unique appearance, gentle temperament, and relatively low maintenance requirements, it's no wonder that these desert dwellers have captured the hearts of reptile lovers across the globe.

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Setting Up Your Aquatic Turtle Tank
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Setting Up Your Aquatic Turtle Tank

In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of creating the perfect aquatic turtle tank setup, covering everything from choosing the right tank and location to water filtration, heating, lighting, and decorations. By the end of our journey, you'll be fully equipped with the knowledge needed to provide your turtle with a cozy and healthy environment that they'll love to call home. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of aquatic turtle tanks!

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Everything You Need to Know About Leopard Geckos
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Everything You Need to Know About Leopard Geckos

Leopard geckos are small, charming reptiles that have grown in popularity as pets over the years. Known for their friendly temperament and unique appearance, they are an excellent option for first-time reptile owners and experienced enthusiasts alike. This article aims to provide you with an in-depth guide on everything you need to know about leopard geckos, from their natural habitat to their proper care in captivity.

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Caring for a Sulcata Tortoise
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Caring for a Sulcata Tortoise

In this article, we will discuss various aspects of caring for a Sulcata tortoise, including selecting a healthy tortoise, housing and enclosure requirements, temperature and lighting, diet and nutrition, hydration and humidity, health and wellness, and enrichment and socialization.

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Three-Toed Box Turtle Care Tips
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Three-Toed Box Turtle Care Tips

In this article, we'll cover everything from setting up the perfect turtle habitat to ensuring your turtle gets the proper nutrition it needs. We'll also dive into some essential health and hygiene tips, as well as enrichment activities to keep your turtle mentally stimulated.

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The Basics of Aquatic Turtle Care
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

The Basics of Aquatic Turtle Care

We're here to guide you through the basics of aquatic turtle care, from choosing the right species to setting up the perfect habitat and everything in between. So grab your snorkel (just kidding, you won't actually need it), and let's dive into the wonderful world of aquatic turtle care together!

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Taking Care of Your Russian Tortoise
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Taking Care of Your Russian Tortoise

These fascinating creatures can make wonderful companions for those willing to provide the proper care and commitment needed to ensure their health and happiness.

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What is the Difference Between Turtles and Tortoises?
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

What is the Difference Between Turtles and Tortoises?

Although they share some similarities, these shelled buddies have unique features and lifestyles that set them apart. In this article, we'll explore the wonderful world of turtles and tortoises, diving into their physical differences, habitats, diets, and more.

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Can Leopard Geckos Eat Hornworms?
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Can Leopard Geckos Eat Hornworms?

One potential food source for leopard geckos that has gained popularity among reptile enthusiasts is hornworms. These soft-bodied, high-moisture caterpillars can be an enticing treat for your pet. In this article, we will explore whether hornworms are a suitable food option for leopard geckos by discussing their nutritional content, benefits, potential downsides, and proper feeding guidelines.

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What do Uromastyx Eat?
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

What do Uromastyx Eat?

"What on earth does a lizard from the desert eat?" Excellent question, my friend! In this article, we'll dive into the world of Uromastyx cuisine, discussing their natural habitat and diet, proper nutrition for captive Uromastyx, and some helpful tips for keeping your lizard well-fed and content.

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