Untamed at Home
Blogs & Articles

How Smart Are Cats Compared To Humans? Here’s What The Science Says
Paeton Bickett Paeton Bickett

How Smart Are Cats Compared To Humans? Here’s What The Science Says

The big question here is, how does a cat’s brain work? Quite well, it turns out. Your kitty’s cerebral cortex has approximately 300 million neurons. That part of the brain controls decision-making and problem-solving. You know, the big questions like, “should I nap on the sofa or the chair?” and “how do I get out of this cardboard box?”

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6 Health Benefits of Emotional Support Animals
Paeton Bickett Paeton Bickett

6 Health Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

According to an MHA survey, about 80% of the US households that own a pet believe that their pets provide them with emotional support1. Since animals can offer psychological and emotional support to their owners, people, especially those struggling with mental health conditions, can register their pets as emotional support animals.

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Pacman Frogs: Small Bundles of Fury or Adorable Amphibians?
Jordan Olson Jordan Olson

Pacman Frogs: Small Bundles of Fury or Adorable Amphibians?

Welcome to a world of unusual and intriguing amphibians: the Pacman frog! Also known as African dwarf frogs, these small creatures have become increasingly popular among reptile enthusiasts in recent years. With their unique physical traits and specialized care requirements, they offer a delightful and unique pet experience that is sure to stand out from the more traditional options. In this blog post, we will explore more about Pacman frogs, including their appearance and behavior, habitat requirements, diet, and suitability as pets. So come join us on our journey and learn more about these remarkable creatures!

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Working From Home With Cats? 6 Tips To Stay Productive
Paeton Bickett Paeton Bickett

Working From Home With Cats? 6 Tips To Stay Productive

Even before the recent global pandemic, remote work and working from home were becoming more common. Working from home appears to be here to stay for many people, but if you have cats, you know how easy it is for your feline friends to distract you from your daily tasks. Here are six tips to stay productive while working from home with cats.

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36 Fascinating & Fun Rabbit Facts You Probably Never Knew
Paeton Bickett Paeton Bickett

36 Fascinating & Fun Rabbit Facts You Probably Never Knew

With their long ears, cottontails, and adorable hopping, rabbits are delightful to see. But while these furry critters may be cute, what else do we know about them? We may see them hopping around in the wild, but domesticated rabbits can be kept as pets too. Did you know that there are over 180 breeds of rabbits around the world? Check out this list for more rabbit facts, and see which ones surprise you!

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Brandt’s Hedgehog: Info & Care Guide
Paeton Bickett Paeton Bickett

Brandt’s Hedgehog: Info & Care Guide

Perhaps you’ve been searching for a new family pet that is a little more unusual or exotic. You may love how small and cute some cats and dogs are, but could also be a little unsure about some of their other characteristics. Hedgehogs are a low-maintenance pet that can still be entertaining to raise without the louder and messier tendencies of traditional pets. One of our favorite types of hedgehogs is the Brandt’s hedgehog.

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